Decay of Stargate, Blood & Chrome, some more Syfy HATE, and yeah I’m MAD!

With the Stargate movies shelved indefinitely it seems we will not see any more Stargate for some generations…Sadly no fourth Stargate series. But I don’t think that means the end, it’ll probably be rebooted maybe in a decade or two. Does that mean I’m going to stop protesting? NO! The Syfy channel and MGM will continue to face repercussions for their poor executive decisions in the canceling of Stargate Atlantis and their non-support of the SG1 & SGA movies.

A while ago Syfy made another HUGE mistake. Despite much fan resistance they cancelled the Battlestar Galactica prequel, Caprica. Tsk, tsk, tsk. What a horrible decision. Does the Syfy channel even have any science fiction shows left on there channel besides reruns? Seems like all they air on Syfy these days are crappy monster movies and smackdown wrestling. Um. Seriously? Join the Save Caprica facebook page for more on this matter.

Now I hear they’re making another BSG prequel, Blood and Chrome? Pathetic. They can’t just ax these shows replace them like that. Frankly I myself will be boycotting the new show, why not? I’ve already been boycotting the Syfy channel since its worst decision ever in 2008 August 20, the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis.

The Syfy channel really needs to be taken down. I think its way too late in the game for it to be reformed. Especially since its rebranding from Scifi to Syfy also in 2008. Its almost like they purposely put non-science fiction shows and crappy movies on their channel…I don’t understand it. If they keep going in this destructive direction they are going to face consequences. I’ve already had my heart broken three times by their poor executive decisions:

1. the cancellation of Atlantis.

2. The permanent shelving of the Stargate movies

3. The cancellation of Caprica

Any much more of these horrendous decisions and Syfy will face much more than a simple multi-fandom uprising.

What do you think? How much longer do you think Syfy can keep this up? Let me know in the comments below!

P.S. IDK about you guys but don’t the Syfy executives look a little EVIL to you?

Fight for the Greenlight!

Yesssss guess what??! I totally won another Stargate Movies Campaign contest! 🙂

On more troubling news it looks like the movies may have been forever shelved. But if we continue to email the executives, phone call them, and send them mad-as-hell letters, maybe we’ll get through!! At least BattleGateVoyager90210 has been cancelled! 😀

BattleGateVoyager90210FAIL is FAIL.

And remember to subscribe to my youtube channel for future updates 😉

SG Movie Campaign Launches Website

Today the Stargate Movie Campaign (dedicated to getting the SG1 & SGA movies green-lit) launched their website, along with their forums and cafepress shop. Make sure to check it out.

Also be sure to subscribe to & befriend their youtube channel!

Gate Fans Have Spoken! (+38,000 signatures & NEW banners/avatars)

Stargate fans and science fiction lovers from all across the globe have spoken–we don’t like Stargate Universe. It’s lame, fake, and boring. You’d have to put me in handcuffs, and get me drunk to watch that distasteful shit. Unfortunately those who have any negative criticisms whatsoever can no longer post at GateWorld (the largest Stargate fansite known to date). As the site owner, Darren, recently announced words “like ‘crap’ and ‘stupid’ and ‘idiot’ aren’t respectful to anyone” and GateWorld moderators will continue to “delete posts where readers insist on voicing their discontent through hate and insult“.

It’s sad that GateWorld is officially undergoing censorship. Thankfully, there is still a refuge for stargate fans to voice their dislike of BattleGate 90210 at (to which this site is now officially partnered with). On another happy note, enjoy the new video I made; expressing the outcry over SGA’s cancellation and the extreme annoyance SGU has caused:

Remember to Like/Comment/Favorite it!

In other news, the petition has reached over 38,000 signatures! And as always, we have NEW banners/avatars:

For more head on over to Banners & Avatars page!

SGU Actor Struggles with Bad Reviews & NEW Banners/Avatars!

Stargate Universe’s co-star Brian J. Smith who plays Lt. Matthew Scott (a gross looking, military, sex addict) confesses that the majority of Stargate fans are fed up with the new show. Smith claims that the fans aren’t open-minded enough if they don’t like it, and that they need to take time to ‘transition’. What a load of crap. Honestly, this guy needs to wake up from the little fantasy world he’s living in; SGU has no depth, its slow, its boring, and the cast is absolutely annoying!

There’s a sense of ownership from a lot of fans that’s amazing and rare, but it’s also dangerous” says Smith.

Damn right we’re dangerous! I’ve protested SGA’s cancellation and boycotted SGU since 2008! To listen to more of Smith’s delusional opinions visit GateWorld’s article.

Some more cheerful news: lots of new banners and avatars have been added! This is just a preview, want to check out more?

YOU Won’t Believe This! *GASP!*

Stargate Universe is copying so many characters from Atlantis, that they might as well rename it “Stargate Atlantis Redux”! SEE FOR YOUR SELF:

The casting audition sides for Stargate Universe characters are starting to emerge. These audition sides are not in context of the pilot of the new television series, which won’t start production until February 2009, but are apparently meant to determine character types and the actors’ ranges.

The three sides available thus far are for Tamara Johanson, Eli Hitchcock, and Jared Nash. Each actor will be reading from previous Stargate scripts, which have been somewhat modified for the auditions.

In the case of Tamara, the actor will be reading the part of Jennifer Keller from the Atlantis episodes “First Strike” and “Missing”. Like Keller, Tamara will be thrown into a medical leadership position before she is ready, but will also be required to show compassion and understanding. She will show the insecurity that Keller did in her conversation with Elizabeth Weir about taking over for the late Dr. Carson Beckett from “First Strike” and her distaste for local cuisine like Keller did in “Missing”. That time was also when Keller learned of Teyla’s romantic involvement with Kanaan.

Eli’s audition sides are Rodney McKay’s part from the SG-1 episode “Redemption” concerning Anubis’s attack on Earth through the Stargate. He converses with Carter about how to knock out the technology Anubis was using to bombard the Stargate. The actor will most likely face the same level of technobabble that David Hewlett faced in portraying a math and science genius, as well as demonstrate a rather acerbic, sarcastic attitude. The audition also includes McKay’s conversation with Carter in the infirmary about wanting to be a pianist to show a more affable side to the character.

The actor reading for Jared Nash’s role will audition from John Sheppard’s rescue-our-people balcony conversation with Elizabeth Weir from the Atlantis pilot “Rising”. Like Sheppard, Nash will be thrown into a military position of leadership. It isn’t clear, though, that Nash’s commander, Col. Everett Young, will face the same fate as Sheppard’s commanding officer, Col. Marshall Sumner. Additionally, Nash’s actor will have to read from Daniel’s part in the SG-1 series finale “Unending” where Daniel confronts Vala about her constant sexual solicitations and breaks down his wall of emotional self-protection.

All three characters are in the age range 20 to 25.

From here.

Stargate 90210~Casting Call revealed

Last month word had come to the Atlantis fandom, that Stargate Universe, or preferably called “Stargate 90210” would be replacing Atlantis as the “next fix”. What’s worse, is recently spoilers for Stargate 90210’s casting call has shocked many with a terrible taste in our mouths. Just look at their cliche’ characters (found here):

Colonel Everett Young
40’s handsome, capable, former SG team leader. Like the Jack O’Neill of ten years ago, but Young’s edges have tended to sharpen over time. He requested permission to serve the remainder of his commission on Earth upon marrying his wife, Hailey, two years ago, but for now he’s temporary commander of a secret off world base. The loss of two members of his team several years ago has taught him never to take anything for granted, and be prepared for anything. He stays on top of his team so they stay alive. STAR NAMES ONLY. SERIES REGULAR;

Tamara Jon
20-25, all ethnicities (Asian Preferably). SGC Field medic, Captain grade. Off world experience. Beautiful, tough, smart, capable. Paramedic level training. Able to triage serious injury. Modest background. Dreamed of being a doctor but couldn’t afford medical school and the Air Force was her best option. She ends up being the most medically inclined person on the ship but is overwhelmed by the lack of knowledge and experience treating seriously wounded and ill patients. She also lacks the medicine and supplies and has to make do. SERIES REGULAR;

Chloe Carpenter
20ish. Stunning and sexy. Daughter of a U.S. Senator. Silver spoon upbringing and a little spoiled but not stupid either. Politically and socially savvy. Dreams of following in her father’s footsteps but for now she’s a bit of a party girl in her first year at an Ivy League school. Her father’s tragic death and the dire circumstances of being trapped on a spaceship seriously tests her character. SERIES REGULAR;

Eli Hitchcock
20-25. Total slacker. Utter genius. Mathematics, computers, anything he puts his mind to. Acerbic sense of humor. A social outcast. Comes from a broken home. Lacks confidence because his true intelligence has never really been recognized like Matt Damon’s character from Good Will Hunting with a little Jack Black thrown in sptv050769. SERIES REGULAR;

Lt. Jared Nash
20-25. Junior SGC team member. Officer material but green and rough around the edges. Every teenage girl’s fantasy. Like a college quarterback thrown into his first pro game, he is thrust into the role of leader well before he’s ready for the responsibility and must learn to take command, earn respect through action, and manage the diverse personalities on the ship to keep everyone alive. Like Jason Bourne, he is skilled and well-trained however he is mentally unprepared for the urgency of the situation. SERIES REGULAR;

Ron “Psycho” Stasiak
20, all ethnicities. Marine. Big, strong, silent. You want him on your side. You don’t want him mad at you. Lacks control over his temper in non combat situations. His past is a mystery but it’s clear something dark formed the hard shell around him. Yet, there must also be some moral center because otherwise he’d kill everyone around him. Think Eric Bana’s character “Hoot” in Blackhawk Down. SERIES REGULAR.



WE MUST FIGHT FOR ATLANTIS; send letters, rally, make vlogs or videos, email them, call them!